Lifespan Of A Cat And Your Responsibility
One thing many people don't consider when getting a cat is the lifespan of the pet and the fact that they need to be responsible for the health and well-being of the cat for between 15 and 20 years.
Expense of Owning a Cat
There are additional factors that need to be taken into consideration and one of the most important factors is the expense of owning a cat.
Obviously you're going to need to spend money on food and good nutrition but there can be additional expenses such as vaccinations and other veterinarian costs that need to be considered.
Cat Personality
As with people, the personalities of cats are many and varied. Ideally you will find the cat whose personality is matched to your own. There are many excellent books available at libraries and bookstores that will give you a good description of the type of personality to be expected from the various different breeds of cats.
Some breeds of cats require a lot more attention than others and particularly those cats that tend to live inside more often than other breeds that are happy to run around outside and keep themselves occupied.
Time Spending
Cats with longer fur will tend to shed had a lot more fur about the house which will require more cleaning and they will also require more grooming which means you will have to spend more time looking after them.
Cats are a lot more independent than dogs and are more difficult to train, and this is something that you need to realize and accept.
If you like to travel a lot or you are away from the house a lot of the time, you will need to arrange some other person or service that can mind your cat and ensure that it gets fed regularly.
Suitable Environment
It is always worth considering where you're living and if the environment is suitable for owning a cat.
And one thing that surprisingly many people don't consider before getting a cat is whether any person in the family is allergic to cats as there are quite a large number of people who are allergic to cats.
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