Cat Breeds With Pictures : The Sphynx
The Sphynx
If you ever wondered what a cat would look like naked, look no further. The Sphynx is virtually hairless. Sebaceous oils secreted by the skin are normally transferred to the fur in other breeds. The Sphynx requires regular wiping down to remove these oils to prevent skin infections.
This breed originated in 1975 as spontaneous mutation in a shorthaired litter. One hairless kitten was born in that litter. She was named Epidermis. The following year a hairless male was born. He was called Dermis. When bred to normal shorthaired cats, Epidermis produced normal kittens. When Epidermis was bred to one of her sons, three hairless kittens resulted. The hairless gene was a recessive. Both parents must carry it in order for hairlessness to be expressed.
The breed was named after the great Sphynx monument of Egypt. The Sphynx cats are devoted, loyal companions, who love attention and will purr happily if their favorite person is near them. They are very athletic and like to jump to high places or hang upside down from their climbing trees. Sphynx have strong personalities and don't like being left alone. A feline companion will help to keep a Sphynx happy and occupied while you are gone.
These very unusual cats are not everyone's' cup of tea. Give these very different cats a closer look. Their unique appearances and lively personalities might just make a great pet. These cats may be exactly what you are looking for in a new companion.
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