Should You Be Feeding Your Cat Supplements?
Provided you are giving your cat a balanced diet there should be no need to give it additional amounts of supplements. In fact by adding additional vitamins and minerals to your cat's diet you could actually be upsetting the natural balance of the nutrition and doing more harm than good.
Commercial Cat Foods
Many of the commercial cat foods are nutritionally complete and balanced and no additional supplements will need to be added if you are feeding your cat these types of foods.
If you are feeding your cat on a raw food diet that represents the types of foods that it would eat in the wild then it should be nutritionally balanced with sufficient protein and the essential vitamins and minerals that it needs to remain healthy.
The only time where you might need to give your cat additional vitamin supplements is during times of illness, or where there are other factors involved such as loss of body fluids or diarrhea. Even in these circumstances it is wise to check with your vet first to ensure that these additional supplements will not cause any other problems.
Poor Cat Diet
If you feel that the nutrition of your cat is not up to par then by all means you will need to consider supplementing its diet, after being sure that you have got good advice on the matter. There are a lot of good cat vitamin and mineral supplements on the market and they can help improve your cat's health particularly as your cat ages but it is best to give these to your pet based on sound advice from a good vet.
It is well worth discussing with your vet any changes that need to be made to your cat's diet during the various stages of its life. Nutritional needs tend to change somewhat as the cat ages and there are some good commercial products that help with fur balls and other problems that specific breeds of cats might have.
Cats that are well cared for will live a lot longer than what could be expected in the wild and for that reason, as with people, aged cats can require additional supplementation.
Keep reading: Cats Dry Food Diet Problems : The Wet Cat Food Vs. Dry Cat Food Debate
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