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Cats Are Territorial

Cats are territorial in nature but the domesticated cats consider this differently to that of the wildcat.
There are reasons why a cat is territorial.

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The first reason is to ensure that it will have enough food and shelter for its requirements.
As the domesticated cat gets that food and shelter from its owner it does not need to concern itself with becoming territorial for that reason.

The second reason why cats are territorial is because in the wild they will be vying for the female when they are in season.
Once again this is eliminated in most cases as the domesticated household cat has been neutered and a desire to be territorial for this reason is no longer present.

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In addition to this, the fact that the domesticated cat generally lives in areas where there are many more cats in close proximity to one another, thereby reducing the reality of any cats having the ability to dominate any area much greater than their own backyard, this is no longer a realistic concern.

This has often led to a somewhat more social behavior with domesticated cats where they can sometimes welcome neighbor's cats or at the very least put up with the fact that other cats will sometimes wander through their territory.

The fact that they are comfortable with the property, and realize that the security, food and shelter requirements are being met without any action required on their part means they no longer feel the need to be territorial.

Cats, cat scratch, cat stuff, sphynx cat, cat talking, siberian cat, black cat, funny cats, cat images, cute cats, cute kittens, cat names, hairless cat, food cat

Fortunately this makes life a lot easier for cat owners living close to one another, as it reduces the incidence of cat fights and also the unwanted habit of cats leaving their scent on other people's properties.
It certainly makes for a lot happier environment than if our cats still possessed the behavior that is natural to them in the wild.

Read More: How to deal with cat problems

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